Our Partners

Our Partners

Thank you to the following partners for supporting a shared vision “that every adopted and foster child has a family who understands their unique gifts and challenges and is equipped to help them thrive.”  These agencies and organizations support and enhance the work of Creating a Family.

The Jockey Being Family Foundation, a non-profit 501c(3) organization, helps to support and strengthen adoptive families. The Foundation allocates financial resources and support to assist organizations on the front lines of the adoption process for post-adoption support.

Lake Toxaway Charities’ mission is to support the charities, medical outreach, and educators who work with and minister to the abused, disabled, indigent, and those with special needs in Transylvania County.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s Healthy Blue Medicaid plan advocates a community approach to health education and outreach activities, and has a proven record of collaborating with community and faith-based organizations, advocacy groups, and other community resources.
Dogwood Health Trust works to dramatically improve the health and wellbeing of all people and communities of Western North Carolina.