Adoption Comparison Charts

Charts Comparing Different Countries for International Adoption & US Adoption

adoption comparison charts

The Crucial Factors to Consider When Choosing a Country or Type of Adoption

When considering adoption, information is power. Deciding on the type of adoption that is best for you requires looking at the requirements for that type or country, the adoption process, the type of available children, the stability of the program, and the cost. We have analyzed the various types and countries for the factors we think are most important when choosing.

A Quick Comparison Chart of the Major Types of Adoption

The link above is for the Adoption Comparison Chart, which compares the three major types of adoption in graph format.

For information about adopting from the United States, check out these resource pages:

If you are curious about the current state of adoption in the US, you should read the article, Adoption in the US: How Many? How Much? How Long? We update it annually as data is released in government reports. You will also appreciate the detailed information about the various types of adoption detailed in this recently updated podcast, How to Adopt in 2023.

The Top Ten Sending Countries in International Adoption

In addition to breaking down vital factors to consider for foster care adoption and domestic infant adoption, the list below represents the countries that have placed the most children according to the US State Department data.

Though we strive to update these resources yearly, the information in these charts is subject to changes outside that schedule. Therefore, please always check with an accredited agency approved to place from the country you are researching to gain the most current information.

© Creating a Family