Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers


Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

Parenting children impacted by trauma, prenatal exposure, or attachment struggles can be challenging and lonely work. All parents and caregivers need time to recharge, refuel, and rest. It’s tricky to coordinate when managing a busy home with a full calendar. Building in time for healthy, nurturing self-care might feel selfish, indulgent, or out of reach.

Raising an adoptive, foster, or kinship child with significant emotional and educational needs makes it easy to focus on their well-being. Self-care does not come easily for those used to caring for vulnerable kids. However, neglecting yourself puts you at risk for burnout and secondary trauma stress.

Parenting adoptive, foster, or kinship kids who need so much of us is challenging, rewarding, and consuming. When you invest the time and intentionality in also taking care of yourself (body, mind, and spirit), you are modeling for them how to be healthy. You also are giving them the best version of yourself that they — and you — deserve.



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