Legacy Adoptions


We work with expectant parent(s) who are pregnant or who already have a less than 3 year old child. People contact Legacy when they want to learn more about adoption and decide if adoption is a good choice as a parenting plan for their child. 

We have wonderful adoptive families that are looking to grow their families through the blessing of an adoption. Whether you choose adoption or not, it’s a good idea to get counseling (available for free) that can help you adjust after your baby is born and plan for the future. 

Learn more by talking with Legacy Adoptions which is a Licensed Adoption Agency in Texas. We work throughout Texas and typically our staff travel to meet with clients in a convenient location. 

At our core we exist to assist those facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We accomplish this by providing the adoption option with tangible services and support as the decision is considered. Most along the way (~75%) will choose to parent and this is wonderful. Others will choose adoption and this is where we provide our expertise as a Licensed Child Placing Agency.